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Parent Involvement
Parent Involvement
- School Volunteer
Would you like to volunteer?
Kahn loves having volunteers. We would like to give you the opportunity to help out, from tutoring to sharing your talents with students. Before you are eligible as an authorized volunteer, we do require that you fill out a volunteer form each year for a background check. Click on the link below to fill out an application on-line.
Volunteer Application
La escuela de Kahn le encanta tener voluntarios. Nos gustaría darle la oportunidad de ayudar, desde tutorías hasta compartir sus talentos con los estudiantes. Para ser elegible como voluntario, requeremos que se registre para la revision de su historial criminal. Por favor haga click en el siguiente link.
Volunteer Training:
Last Thursday of every month, from 9 a.m -to 10 a.m
Volunteer Sign-In:
Please sign in the main office and get a "Volunteer Pass" before you begin volunteering.